Wednesday, June 19, 2013


-I’m Chelsea. I’m a southern, twenty-something decorator and lover of everything related to the home. 

-I have a boyfriend named Stephen who is kind, funny and loves life more than anyone I've ever known – he has been a huge inspiration in me allowing myself to do what I love. (& because of him, I've gotten to know another huge inspiration, much more on that later!)

Most importantly, he lets me show him five million interior design pictures followed with "do you like this??" without getting annoyed! ("Is this real liiife????")  ;)

-I have a basset hound mix I rescued years ago, Charlie, who has a.. strong personality. Just try and resist his love, I dare you. 


I don’t really have just one. Labeling it seems too restrictive. I decorate more by how I want a room to feel, and I like the flexibility that gives me to pull from different styles and eras. A home should feel restful, comfortable, luxe and uncommonly beautiful. I like natural materials and a restrained palette that blur the lines between inside and out. I like a thoughtful home that feels like its been created and loved over time; a home with a history, character and depth. I will choose something with history over something new every time.

Claudio Tajoli via Pinterest 
The walls, the door casing

via Belgian Pearls
I'm obsessed with this room, I go back to it all the time. I love everything about it, but my favorites: 1) the fireplace - stone mantle with clean lines, and a large opening for lots and lots of wood-burning fires. 2)the walls 3) the contrast of light and dark - the drapes 4) the wrinkled linen on the sofa cushion - so cozy!

via theswedishfurniture

Axel Vervoordt
I like the walls. The symmetry. The buckets of what look like garden clippings. 

via Pinterest

Not sure - Maybe Bobby McAlpine, maybe John Saladino; via isaslittleworld

Don't you wish we could all leave our huge iron french doors open to wander into the courtyard? I love when the inside and the outside are blended. When the weather is nice, there is nothing better. 

Also. I like the walls. You're going to hear me say that a lot.

via Pinterest

Bobby McAlpine
Bobby McAlpine is one of my absolute favorites (he's actually an architect)- and all of his work is GOLD. (He runs an interiors firm called McAlpine Booth Ferrier and an architecture firm called McAlpine Tankersley.). & I drool every time, he can do no wrong. I don't believe in perfection, but oh... IF. I. DID.

via Pinterest

                                         Interior design by Myra Hoefer. Photograph by Jacques Dirand. via Veranda

(I love two twin beds in a room!)

I tend towards masculine colors and lines.
via veneerdesigns

Jonas Ingerstedt

via eatlivewear
I would stay "lost" in these woods forever.

The past four are all Bobby McAlpine
(I told you, I'm obsessed.)

I have so much to learn still, and as I do I’ll share projects and inspiration that you can use in your home. It won’t be perfect, but it will be beautifulhonest and real, which is all I think we really want.


1 comment:

  1. Chelsea, I love your style and can't wit to see what other ideas you have to pass on!! Keep it coming!!
